Monday, July 23, 2007

German and Germany

German is the official language spoken in at least 3 central European countries: Austria, Germany and Switzerland. Together with a northern part of Italy, this accounts to no less than two hundred million native speakers. With large economy and tourism of German speaking countries, it is worthwhile learning the language. It is often said to be one of the most difficult languages in the world, but that is not universally true. Compared to Chinese or Thai, pronunciation is relatively easy without intonation. Compared to English, vocabulary is more compact and extensive use of compound words make the language easier in the next years of learning.

Grammatics is however noteriously difficult with a complex system of verb conjugation, words ordering, and much more. As a learner, I intend to compile new gramatics I learned and am learning in a centralized place, which others and I myself can reference.

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